After the Black Death and Spanish Flu, pandemic known as COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), previously known as 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is taking the whole world in its arms at a swift rate. The entire world is in a horrifying situation. The way the pandemic is spreading its wings has become a great matter of concern across the globe.
In this crucial time, everyone is concerned about the spread of this disease on a minute to minute basis. There are many websites, news channels, newspapers, and other media providing you updates of the news. But there are fluctuations in the data provided by various agencies, and so it becomes confusing as to whom to consider the correct one. At this critical time, any kind of misinformation or miscommunication can lead to any unnecessary, uncontrolled chaos, which is just not desirable. So, genuine updates of the spread must become available to all the disease tracking individuals.
Here we have briefed such authorized websites providing you the authenticated information of the spread of COVID-19.
This Website is run by an international team of developers, researchers, and volunteers intending to make world statistics available in a thought-provoking and time consistent format to a broad audience around the world. It is owned by Dadax, an independent company having no political, governmental, or corporate affiliation. Worldometer was voted as one of the best free reference websites by the American Library Association (ALA), the oldest and largest library association in the world
In the website, on the navigation bar, when you click on the Coronavirus tab, you will see the following things:
- In very big fonts, the total number of cases across the world, the number of deaths and the number of recovered patients are displayed.
- Graphs are displayed of the total and daily cases, deaths, active and passive cases in linear and logarithmic fashion on a three-day interval basis. It helps in understanding the progress of the spread very easily
- You can know the data of your country as well as of another country for comparison purposes from the table of countries affected by the virus. It has columns indicating total cases, total deaths, new deaths, totally recovered, etc. giving you complete information.
- Also, every day how many new cases are discovered is displayed on the website as a link, and clicking on it will redirect to that country’s website page.
- Also, sections on the symptoms, mortality rate, age, etc. are there, which helps you to get the complete authenticated information.
All these data are updated on a day to day basis. The website displays the information from various standardized international bodies like WHO, National Health Commission (NHC) of the People’s Republic of China, and many others.
Official website of the World Health Organization.
In its home page only, a section on the Coronavirus Disease pandemic is given where all the information is provided.
- At first, it indicates the number of confirmed cases acroos the world, confirmed deaths and countries or areas or territories with cases.
- You can see the dashboard by clicking on the link view dashboard which opens the page of COVID-19 situation
- In the dashboard, the world map is given
- In the map, you can find the number of cases of a particular country as well as of a particular province, autonomous region, and municipality
- When you see the country of the case wise, an orange color circle denotes the cases in it
- The size of the circle indicates the category in which that particular country falls like more than 25,000 cases, 500-1000, etc.
- Same way, when you want to see cases as per the provinces, you can select the option of the province in the layer tab given at the side of the map.
- Purple color circles are used for this, and same as cases seen country-wise, the size of the circle indicates the category in which that province falls.
- In the two aside bars, the right one shows the total no of cases country wise and left one indicates the data of the whole world with maps showing the month-wise spread of the disease.
- In the website, you can see various videos related to the preventive measures to be taken, declarations by the head, etc
- Also, various news articles and advisories are given.
Refer to the above-given medium for tracking this pandemic and take it seriously and stay safe and let others stay safe. This article is only for educational purposes, please stay home and aware more people about it. Take Care.
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